List of Points in Order of Merit
TYPICAL: The Irish Wolfhound should not be quite so heavy or massive as the Great Dane, but more so than the Deerhound, which in general type he should otherwise resemble.
GREAT size and commanding appearance.
Movements easy and active.
Head, long and level, carried high.
Forelegs, heavily boned, quite straight; elbows well set under.
Thighs long and muscular; second thighs, well muscled, stifles nicely bent.
Coat, rough and hard, specially wiry and long over eyes and under jaw.
Body, long, well ribbed up, with ribs well sprung, and great breadth across hips.
Loins arched, belly well drawn up.
Ears, small, with greyhound like carriage (rosed).
Feet, moderately large and round; toes close, well arched.
Neck, long, well arched and very strong.
Chest, very deep, moderately broad.
Shoulders, muscular, set sloping.
Tail, long and slightly curved.
Eyes, dark.
Note: the above in no way alters the "Standard of excellence" which must in all cases be rigidly adhered to; they simply give the various points in order of merit. If in any case they appear at variance with Standard of Excellence it is the latter which is correct.